SSL on European Researcher’s Night

The European Researcher’s Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens’ daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. The event was held partly online on 24 and 25 September 2021 and conceived by the European Commission with the aim of spreading scientific culture. Among the academic institutions […]

The Greek App Developed in Collaboration with SSL which will Allow Travelling Again

The Systems Security Laboratory Team, under the coordination of Professor Christos Xenakis from the Department of Digital Systems of Piraeus University, presented their solution to the complex equation of opening the borders and the initiation of international travel. The Hellenic proposal includes a digital immunity passport, based on the revolutionary blockchain technology, which will help […]

Be an Active Contributor in Our Research

During the recent pandemic and the unprecedented changes in the way the world operates, there is an increase in email use (app. 20% increase in opening rates) that correspondingly increases the risk of a cyberattack. It has been reported that phishing email attacks involving the COVID-19 as lure increased by 667% between the period of February 2020 and March 2020. […]

A Research about Cloud Security Issues 2020

The Systems Security Laboratory (SSL) of the University of Piraeus and Professor Christos Xenakis participated in a research conducted by the company Pylones Hellas in the context of the effort for a continuous and thorough understanding of the conditions prevailing in digital security on the subject of cloud computing security. The aim of the research “The […]

UPRC Participate at the SECONDO Project

University of Piraeus Research Center participated at the kick-off meeting of the SECONDO project which is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action. UPRC will participate and will be the project coordinator as well as the technical and innovation coordinator. UPRC will take advantage of the exchange program to perform joint processing and publications where possible. The staff of […]

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