CUREX On The European Big Data Value Forum 2020

On 5th November, Professor Christos Xenakis from the Department of Digital Systems of Piraeus University, as Project coordinator of CUREX had the opportunity to present the project on European Big Data Value Forum 2020 (EBDVF). The clustering event was held online, and Professor participated in the session of EBDVF Health Track: On Health Data Spaces […]

A Research about Cloud Security Issues 2020

The Systems Security Laboratory (SSL) of the University of Piraeus and Professor Christos Xenakis participated in a research conducted by the company Pylones Hellas in the context of the effort for a continuous and thorough understanding of the conditions prevailing in digital security on the subject of cloud computing security. The aim of the research “The […]

Cyberspace, Cybersecurity and Business

Professor Christos Xenakis Department of Digital Systems University of Piraeus The continuous development of computer science and communication technologies has infiltrated in every aspect of our lives, affecting the development in the modern world. The growth of E-Business and the modernization of Public Administration (E-Government) for citizens is an example that society is facing a […]

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