European Cyber Security Challenge 2020

For the 5th consecutive year, we are happy to announce the Greek participation in the European Cyber Security Challenge 2020 (ECSC20), which will take place 3-7 November 2020 in Vienna, Austria.

The competition is an initiative of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and it is actively supported by the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance. The responsibility of Greek participation lies with the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus, and specifically Professor Christos Xenakis, who is in charge of the organization of the Hellenic Team.

The ECSC Qualifications will be conducted on 4-5 April, 2020, using the Hack The Box platform, where all participants will have the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in a competition of wits, dedication, lateral and out of the box thinking, by solving 18 Challenges of varying difficulty in total.

The final team of ten representing Greece at the ECSC Finals will be determined based on their performance and attendance during the National Team Training Sessions hosted after the CTF.

Find more on how to participate here.

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