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During the recent pandemic and the unprecedented changes in the way the world operates, there is an increase in email use (app. 20% increase in opening rates) that correspondingly increases the risk of a cyberattack. It has been reported that phishing email attacks involving the COVID-19 as lure increased by 667% between the period of February 2020 and March 2020. […]

CUREX On The European Big Data Value Forum 2020

On 5th November, Professor Christos Xenakis from the Department of Digital Systems of Piraeus University, as Project coordinator of CUREX had the opportunity to present the project on European Big Data Value Forum 2020 (EBDVF). The clustering event was held online, and Professor participated in the session of EBDVF Health Track: On Health Data Spaces […]

2nd Cyber Insurance & Incident Response Conference

The 2nd Cyber ​​Insurance & Incident Response Conference 2020 was held virtually on 5th November, the digital conference through the LiveOn which is an exhibition platform. Honored guests from both, business and academia had the opportunity to participate in the Online conference brighten up with useful information the discussions based on their field of specialization. […]

A Research about Cloud Security Issues 2020

The Systems Security Laboratory (SSL) of the University of Piraeus and Professor Christos Xenakis participated in a research conducted by the company Pylones Hellas in the context of the effort for a continuous and thorough understanding of the conditions prevailing in digital security on the subject of cloud computing security. The aim of the research “The […]

Cyberspace, Cybersecurity and Business

Professor Christos Xenakis Department of Digital Systems University of Piraeus The continuous development of computer science and communication technologies has infiltrated in every aspect of our lives, affecting the development in the modern world. The growth of E-Business and the modernization of Public Administration (E-Government) for citizens is an example that society is facing a […]

Significant Distinction for the Postgraduate Program in Digital Systems Security

Significant distinction for the Postgraduate Program in “Digital Systems Security” of the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus. The program is included once again in the list of the 100 CyberSecurity Courses that exist in Europe and it is the only one in the region of Attica. The primary purpose for the […]

‘Think Before U Click’: Raising awareness during the Cybersecurity Month

This October is the 8th European Cyber ​​Security Month (ECSM) to raise online security awareness about threats and malicious cyber-attacks. The cyber awareness campaign is coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Commission with the aim of promoting cybersecurity among EU Citizens and organizations through training and the exchange of […]

SSL organized the DeSECSys Workshop in the framework of ESORICS 2020

Member of the Systems Security Laboratory organized on September 17th, 2020, the 1st Workshop on Dependability and Safety Emerging Cloud and Fog Systems (DeSECSyS) under the framework of ESORICS 2020. The clustering event was held online via Zoom, and our team members supported the event both as participants and presenters. The workshop, under the coordinated […]

CityZen Project

  The development of the Internet of Things (IοT) has boosted entrepreneurship in a variety of market sectors, such as the sector of smart cities. IοT solutions for smart cities refer to a long list of applications, including: parking management, side road lights control, pollution / temperature monitoring, and many others. Already, some of these […]

European Cyber Security Challenge 2020

For the 5th consecutive year, we are happy to announce the Greek participation in the European Cyber Security Challenge 2020 (ECSC20), which will take place 3-7 November 2020 in Vienna, Austria. The competition is an initiative of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and it is actively supported by the Greek Ministry of Digital Governance. […]

“Athens Calling” For Cyber Security

The future of digital security was discussed by Prof. Christos Xenakis and Demosthenes Economou, Head of Operational Security Unit of ENISA, in the “Athens Calling” broadcast on Greek National Radio (Proto Programma – ERT). The honorable guests, along with the radio host, participated in a two-hour conversation about the risks of the Internet, the digital […]

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