Katsikas S., Yannacopoulos A., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Hatzopoulos P., “How much should we pay for security?”, Proceedings of the IFIP WG 11.1 and WG 11.5 Joint Working Conference on Security Management, Integrity, and Internal Control in Information Systems, P. Dowland, S. Furnell, B. Thuraisingham, X. C. Wang (Eds.), pp.59-70, Vol.193, Springer, Fairfax, USA, December […]

Katsikas S., Yannacopoulos A., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Hatzopoulos P., “How much should we pay for security?”, Proceedings of the IFIP WG 11.1 and WG 11.5 Joint Working Conference on Security Management, Integrity, and Internal Control in Information Systems, P. Dowland, S. Furnell, B. Thuraisingham, X. C. Wang (Eds.), pp.59-70, Vol.193, Springer, Fairfax, USA, December […]

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