Katsikas S., Yannacopoulos A., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Hatzopoulos P., “How much should we pay for security?”, Proceedings of the IFIP WG 11.1 and WG 11.5 Joint Working Conference on Security Management, Integrity, and Internal Control in Information Systems, P. Dowland, S. Furnell, B. Thuraisingham, X. C. Wang (Eds.), pp.59-70, Vol.193, Springer, Fairfax, USA, December […]

Katsikas S., Yannacopoulos A., Gritzalis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Hatzopoulos P., “How much should we pay for security?”, Proceedings of the IFIP WG 11.1 and WG 11.5 Joint Working Conference on Security Management, Integrity, and Internal Control in Information Systems, P. Dowland, S. Furnell, B. Thuraisingham, X. C. Wang (Eds.), pp.59-70, Vol.193, Springer, Fairfax, USA, December […]

Dritsas S., Gymnopoulos L., Karyda M., Balopoulos T., Kokolakis S., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “Employing Ontologies for the Development of Security Critical Applications: The Secure e-Poll Paradigm”, Proceedings of the IFIP I3E International Conference on eBusiness, eCommerce, and eGovernemnt, Funabashi M., Grzech A. (Eds.), pp.187-201, Springer, Poznan, Poland, October 2005.

Dritsas S., Mallios J., Gritzalis D., Lambrinoudakis C., “Applicability of Privacy Enhancing Technologies in Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services ICPS 2005 – Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing SecPerU’05, P. Georgiadis, S. Gritzalis, Y. Marias (Eds.), pp. 61-70, Diaylos Press, Santorini, Greece, […]

Geneiatakis D., Kambourakis G., Dagiouklas A., Lambrinoudakis C., Gritzalis S., “SIP Message Tampering: The SQL code INJECTION attack”, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Software Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2005), N. Rozic et al. (Eds.), pp. 176-181, IEEE Press, Split, Croatia, September 2005.

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