Significant Distinction for the Postgraduate Program in Digital Systems Security

Significant distinction for the Postgraduate Program in “Digital Systems Security” of the Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus. The program is included once again in the list of the 100 CyberSecurity Courses that exist in Europe and it is the only one in the region of Attica.

The primary purpose for the head of the “Digital Systems Security” postgraduate program Prof. Christos Xenakis and the colleagues that are participating, is the need for continuous development in an ever-evolving era.

The need to offer the best quality of studies in a master program and to provide candidates with knowledge in a constantly changing environment in Cybersecurity are the key elements that give the impetus to overcome any obstacle and offer a program that will be among the 100 best in Europe.

The primary purpose of the postgraduate program is to lay new foundations in Cybersecurity and to provide candidates with “future-proof” knowledge.

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