Prof. Stefanos Gritzalis

Stefanos Gritzalis is a Professor of Information and Communication Systems Security, at the Lab. of Systems Security, Dept. of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece (06.2019+).

Previously, he was a Professor at the University of the Aegean, Greece, School of Engineering, Dept. of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, and member of the Info-Sec-Lab Laboratory of Information and Communication Systems Security (2002-2019). He was the Rector of the University of the Aegean, Greece (2014-2018), Head of the Dept. of Information and Communication Systems Engineering (2005-2009), Deputy Head of the Dept. of Information and Communication Systems Engineering (2012-2014), and Director of the Lab. of Information and Communication Systems Security (2005-2009).

He has acted as Special Secretary for the Hellenic Ministry for Administrative Reform and Electronic Government (2009-2012).

He holds a BSc in Physics, an MSc in Electronic Automation, and a PhD in Information and Communications Security from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens, Greece.

His published scientific work includes more than 10 books, 33 book chapters (including the book “Digital Privacy: Theory, Technologies and Practices”, co-edited by A. Acquisti, S. Gritzalis, C. Lambrinoudakis and S. De Capitani di Vimercati, Auerbach Publications, Taylor and Francis Group). Moreover, his work has been published in 314 papers (133 in refereed journals and 181 in the proceedings of international refereed conferences and workshops). He has co-authored papers with more than 130 researchers from 25 countries during the last 28 years. The focus of his publications is on Information and Communications Security and Privacy. His most frequently cited papers have more than 6.400 citations, h-index=45, i10-index=142, as measured by Google Scholar.

He acts as Area Editor for the prestigious “IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials” journal (IF=22.97 for the year 2018, ranked 1st in Telecommunications and Computer Science domains). He is the Editor-in-Chief or Editor or Editorial Board member in 35 journals and a Reviewer in more than 78 scientific journals. He has acted as Guest Editor in 34 journal special issues, he has been General Chair or Program Committee Chair in more than 45 international conferences and workshops, he has served as a Program Committee member of more than 563 international conferences and workshops.

He has supervised 14 PhD dissertations and has acted as external evaluator for more than 50 PhD students from Germany, Italy, Spain, India, Greece, etc.

He has been involved in several National and EU funded R&D projects receiving research and development grants of over € 5.0 million.

He has acted as External Reviewer for research proposals submitted to: ERC European Research Council, The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Belgian Fund for Scientific Research, Czech Science Foundation, FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency, ETH Zurich Research Commission, Croatian Ministry of Science and Education, Slovenian Research Agency, South Africa’s National Research Foundation, Qatar Foundation – Qatar National Research Fund, Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, The University of Nicosia Research Foundation in Cyprus, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology, Hellenic Ministry of Economy and Development ESF Operational Programme “HR Development, Education and Life Long Learning” etc. Moreover, he has acted as member of the 2015 Technical Recognition Award Selection Committee for the “IEEE Communications & Information Security Technical Recognition Award”.

His professional experience includes senior consulting and researcher positions in a number of private and public institutions. He was elected twice as Member of the Board (Secretary General, Treasurer) of the Greek Computer Society. He acts as member of the Hellenic Association for Information Systems AIS – Hellenic Chapter, the Association for Computing Machinery ACM, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE and the IEEE Communications Society “Communications and Information Security Technical Committee”.

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