Scalable, trustEd, and interoperAble pLatform for sEcureD smart GRID
The SealedGRID is an innovative platform, that builds on a realistic architectural image of industrial installations considering the special characteristics of energy infrastructures, their cyber and physical requirements. The SealedGRID is expected to contribute to the fulfilment of the objective of efficient operation of critical infrastructure, while preserving quality of service, for the ultimate benefit of customers. The SealedGRID platform along with its security methodology and mitigation techniques for cyber, physical and potential cyber-physical threats will provide an integrated solution that will be applicable to existing systems as well. It will also provide advanced security features in legacy equipment upgrading their capabilities for operation in modern computing environment.
The SealedGRID concept is expected to limit the security risks for the expansion of remote energy distribution network management, towards the evolution of Smart Grids. SealedGRID will provide a platform that will abide by the existing standardization work and will be directly utilized by the shareholders to provide new tools towards a scalable, highly trusted, and interoperable Smart Grid security platform. This platform will efficiently and jointly integrate three major challenges:
- Scalability. SG utilities will manage a plethora of smart meters, making the utility side of the SG a highly vulnerable target, since a potential attack may destruct the entire energy distribution system. To guarantee scalability, fully distributed and highly resilient security mechanisms have to be devised, tailored to the processing and power limitations of the SG nodes.
- Trust. SG nodes will be accessible by customers creating a fertile field for malicious users that may physically modify hardware or software to intercept personal information or alter energy measurements and costs. Thus, the SealedGRID will be based on advanced trusted computing solutions.
- Interoperability. The evolution towards the SG will be a gradual procedure, involving multiple heterogeneous technologies and potentially solutions where multiple network operators or other stakeholders will be involved. Thus, SG protection will cope with inter-domain security issues, i.e., security between nodes that implement different security policies and services.
Considering all the above, SealedGRID aims at bringing together experts from industry and academia from cross-sectorial research areas having complementary background with the long-term goal to design, analyse, and implement a scalable, highly trusted and interoperable Smart Grid security platform. Towards this direction, SealedGRID is committed to create a fully-integrated and multi-disciplinary programme, while all efforts and funding will be focused on this purpose.
Department of Digital Systems and specifically the Systems Security Laboratory (SSL) will be in charge for implementing Key Management and authentication, Trusted Computing and Privacy Protection. Moreover, Professor Christos Xenakis is the coordinator of SealedGRID project.

We have already participated in
many events in order to disseminates our aims and our progress. Our team members
participated in the European Finals of CSAW 2018 that took place in Valence,
Furthermore, our researchers demonstrated the SealedGRID project in Researcher’s Night. During the presentation they had fruitful discussion with promising students and visitors.

You can find the latest News and Events about SealedGRID in our website:
You can follow us in our social media accounts:
We have also published our dissemination material that comprises a newsletter, a modern informative video, a project poster, a banner and a leaflet. Please, feel free to download and share the available material. You find them in the following links:
- October 2018 – SealedGRID Newsletter Issue 1
- September 2018 – SealedGRID video
- September 2018 – SealedGRID Poster Issue 1
- September 2018 – SealedGRID Banner
- September 2018 – SealedGRID Leaflet
This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 programme under grant agreement No 777996.