Michail Bampatsikos

Michail Bampatsikos obtained his BSc in Computer Science from Technological Educational Institute of Lamia (Greece) and his MSc in Information Security from the University of Surrey (UK, 2015). During his postgraduate studies and for the following year he was a research assistant with the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security. Since 2017 he is a Ph.D. candidate, supported by a Stavros Niarchos Foundation grant, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Christos Xenakis. Additionally, Michail participates in many EU funded projects (H2020) and has worked for two IT firms in Greece. His research interests include potential applications of the Blockchain technology in Information Security as well as in Electronic Health Records. Besides being a Ph.D. candidate with the Secure Systems Laboratory (Department of Digital Systems), Michail is also a research associate with the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”.`

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