Dr. Dimitris Geneiatakis

Dr. Dimitris Geneiatakis received a five-year Diploma in Information and Communication Systems Engineering in 2003, and a M.Sc. in Security of Information and Communication Systems in 2005, and a Ph.D. in the field of Information and Communication Systems Security from the Department of Information and Communications Systems Engineering of the University of Aegean, Greece. He has participated in various research programs projects in the area of information systems security. His current research interests are in the areas of security mechanisms in internet telephony, smart cards, intrusion detection systems, Network and lately in software security. I am an author of more that thirty refereed papers in international scientific journals and conference proceedings. Furthermore, he has served as program committee member on several international conferences on Information Systems and he is a reviewer in various well-known scientific journals. Currently, he is a lecturer at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Previously, He was a postdoctoral researcher at Joint Research Center of European Commission, and at Columbia University under the supervision of Prof. A. Keromytis. In the past he was also a visiting lecturer at the departments of Telecommunications Science and Technology and Digital Systems in the University of Peloponnese and Piraeus correspondingly. He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece since 2004.

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